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Llavero estilo lanyard en color blanco o negro. "Vyral -Dare to be Rare" entretejido en todas partes. Ribete de cuero negro en el cierre de broche de cordón. Herrajes negros. Impresión Vyral en el cierre.
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Parte de la caída de la colección "atrévete a ser raro" / Invierno 22'
First pc build since 08 and love this 8.8 monitor as an addition. Still might move it later but for now, looks great. Easy to use and easy to install. Appreciate a good product 👍🏼
Crazy good prices for everything that I got. $40 for keycaps I’ve been eying, 2 great quality cables, and a walnut wrist rest is insane.
Crazy good prices for everything that I got. $40 for keycaps I’ve been eying, 2 great quality cables, and a walnut wrist rest is insane.
Crazy good prices for everything that I got. $40 for keycaps I’ve been eying, 2 great quality cables, and a walnut wrist rest is insane.
Crazy good prices for everything that I got. $40 for keycaps I’ve been eying, 2 great quality cables, and a walnut wrist rest is insane.